Tuesday 18 January 2011


Characters are a important part of any film. They allow the audience to connect to them and form emotions while also helping the audience imagine the surroundings in more detail almost taking on the role of the character. For the audience to form this emotional bond with a character how ever the character does need to conform to some specific aspects. Here are some of the things I think are important in character development to involve the audience :

Character must relate to a large demographic of people - Usually a very normal every day person.

The character must be likable - For the audience to have a emotional connection they have to like the character.

Often the character will have some personal issues - Mentally unstable and conflicted. This allows the audience to feel some sympathy and also lets them feel like they know the character. Having this personal confliction can also help the audience relate to the character as everyone has some conflict in there lives.

Stereotypes are another important thing to consider when developing a character. A stereotype will often be a very simplified standardized conception of a specific social group. For my short film I will have to consider if I want any of my characters to conform to a particular stereotype and if it would enhance or change the story in any way to do so.

These are just a couple of the important parts in character development for a film. In a short film I am not sure that I will have the time to delve deeply in to the characters and there confliction's or complete personalities. I can how ever aim to make the character appealing and likable to the target audiences while hopefully giving a slightly more in depth view to there personality.

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