Thursday 3 February 2011

Even more advertising

Advertising plays a huge part in the medias success and is probably the largest source of income for some parts of the industry. On the internet particularly advertising provides the majority of revenue to a lot of websites. Video streaming sites such as Youtube and and live streaming sites like Ustream and are hugely dependent on advertisements to get enough money to keep running. This advertising can come in a few different forms. On video sites the most common will be picture adverts with links often there due to google ads. More recently there have also been a lot of adverts during the videos like at the start of a Youtube video there will quite often be a advert for something relevant to the video. This is becoming very similar to television where advertising in between programs is a huge source of income.

When looking at ways to advertise my short film with its posters it is important to consider all these different techniques that people use to raise awareness about there products. I think an effective way to advertise a short film with posters could be the internet where you can create your own web pages dedicated to the film or furthermore you could pay to get a picture placed in the side bar or somewhere on the page of a website that attracts an audience that would be interested in a short film.

Alternatively there are far more traditional ways of advertising the film that need to be considered such as a page in a newspaper. With this you would need to look at the audiences for each paper and which audience would be more interested in the genre of film. A good example of this would be comparing something like The Sun to The Guardian. They each attract very different readers who will most likely have different opinions on a lot of films.

Another more traditional way to get a product advertised is the radio. This was actually one of the options for the extra task in my project brief.  Radio advertising can be very effective to appeal to a large demographic of people while also not being as expensive as television advertising. Like with all advertising there is a lot to consider with radio advertising such as which station? What is that stations target audience? What time would you want to advertise? On radio the morning is probably the peak prime time slot as that is when the majority of people will be listening to the radio on there way to work hence advertising at this time would probably be far more expensive.

A lot of advertising is also partially subliminal such as with buses that have adverts on there sides or even   a far more subliminal one would be carrier bags which have a huge brand logo on them advertising the shop you have been to. phone booths as well when they where prominent would also carry posters on there sides advertising local products. Bus shelters will usually have a advert for something that would appeal to a very large audience such as a consumable product or a film.

These are all things to consider when it comes to how I can effectively use the advertisements I have created to appeal to the largest portion of my target audience possible for minimal costs. Another important thing to consider with advertising is funding. is known to give out extra support and funding to help independent films with advertising and promotion.

All images where obtained from google image searches

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